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District Career Paths

Development Opportunities

The District of Columbia Department of Human Resources is dedicated to providing development opportunities to ensure we accomplish the second initiative of our mission to attract, develop and retain a well-qualified, diverse workforce.

Current Employees

The Center for Learning & Development (CLD) coordinates training programs and activities for District government agencies and employees, including senior executives, middle managers, supervisors, and front line employees. CLD provides career assistance, resource centers, and agency-specific training needs in partnership with universities, vendors, and other local training institutions.  CLD classes help employees develop in multiple areas such as Project Management, Critical Thinking, Coaching, Customer Care, Public Speaking and many more!  Start your development today!

Skillport Online Learning

The DC Department of Human Resources Center for Learning & Development (CLD) online training is a web-based Learning Management System (LMS) that provides 24-7 access to training resources. The environment is designed to help develop and enhance professional and personal skills which embark upon the individual; the performance of employees; and the organization. Skillport offers more than 5,000 online courses in professional skills of Analyst Research, Business Skills, Compliance, Desktop Skills, IT Skills, Engineering, Government, Well-being, and Certification preparation training courses.

Current Employees & Residents

Resume Writing & Job Interview Skills

The District Department of Human Resources offers classes for DC residents on every other Tuesday  from 10 am – 12:30 pm. Classes are held at 1015 Half Street SE, 9th Foor, Washington, D.C. 20003.

​The Writing Resumes & Job Interview Techniques course will help participants construct a résumé that makes an effective and dynamic first impression.  Participants will also gain insight into strategies that today’s interviewers use when making their selection.  This course will also assist participants in understanding how to avoid common interview errors, learn how to answer typical interview questions, & discuss how to formulate thoughtful interview questions.

Register Now!

Free Online Classes is a free open learning courseware resource. It is one of the top Massive Open Online eCourses (MOOCs) available online offering courses on a wide range of academic topics. The site is developed to be optimized for mobile devices which will allow users to learn by taking online courses and engaging in course video lectures anywhere and anytime. There are over 500 courses provided by over 35 leading colleges and universities around the world including Harvard University, University of Michigan, and Penn State University. The MOOCs and video lectures provide the learner with the closest experience to being in the classroom with qualified educators.

Free Learning Videos

University Partnerships

DCHR has partnered with several universities who have agreed to certain concessions for DC government employees. Please contact each university representative directly for more information.